# wikimediacanada.github.io Transaction portion of wikimedia.ca ## Overview This repository is the transaction portion of the [Wikimedia Canada](http://www.wikimedia.ca) website. Wikimedia Canada is a not-for-profit organization that acts as a chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation. The purpose of this website is to provide an area outside the [www.wikimedia.ca](http://www.wikimedia.ca) wiki for Paypal transactions such as joining the organization or making a donation. **This repository has the following branches:** 1. **master** - the main branch containing the current design 2. **2016** - a rewrite of the original website 3. **oldsite** - the original pre-2016 site ## History > **Note:** Dates are specified in [ISO 8601 date format](https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html). ### 2017-10-30 * Modify for new PayPal accountedge * Change the domain to paypal.wikimedia.ca ### 2017-07-09 * Update domain information to use this repository. ### 2017-07-04 * Complete site rewrite. * Responsive redesign. Now works on phones: * All layout tables removed. * [Flexbox](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/) based design. * Content reflowed with Join / Donate sections more prominent. * Join form rewritten to convert dropdown to radio buttons. * Join options updated to remove multiple years. * Updated content and corrected translations. ### 2017-07-04 * Repository creation * **Upload of all code.**