eccc_to_commons - Set of tools to replicate Environment and Climate change Canada data on Wikimedia Commons This is a collection of scripts (mainly Bash and XSD/XSLT). Most of them use standard Unix/GNU tools so it should work on any recent GNU distribution. In addition to coreutils, prerequisites are: - Bash 4+ - Curl - Xmlstarlet - Jq This repository is sponsored by Wikimedia Canada. Provided scripts, ordered by chronological usage: outputs a curl configuration file listing all available ECCC data fix upstream data XML files eccc_fixer.xslt fix upstream data XML file commons_rules.xsd validate ECCC XML from a Wikimedian point of view merge multiple ECCC XML files transform ECCC XML files into JSON monthly_to_commons.xslt transform ECCC monthly XML file into JSON almanac_to_commons.xslt transform ECCC almanac XML file into JSON upload directory to a Mediawiki Usage: The general idea of a large scale data import process is: 1. Download a copy of all data required for the import 2. Validate the cache 3. Transform data into the target format 4. Upload to the destination These tools require some technical knowledge prior to using them so they aren't for general use. This is however a good starting point to discover how large imports are processed in community driven projects. In practice: Beside a reasonable amount of available disk space, you will have to create two distinct folders: the first will contain a copy of ECCC downloaded data while the second will contain the data to be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The following section will refer to them as ${ECCC_CACHE} and ${COMMONS_CACHE}. These environment variables must be set or replaced by valid paths when the commands are used. 1. Download a copy of all data required for the import 1.1 Create a list of all ECCC provided files First, we generate a list of all the historical data provided by ECCC. $ ./ "${ECCC_CACHE}" > "downloads_all" Expect quite long runtime. As of January 2020, it generates a list with almost 650,000 download links. 1.2 Filter unwanted files This long list may contain more files than you actually need, so you may want to reduce it so you don't have to download/store useless content. This step basically depends on your own needs, so not all cases will be covered here. downloads_all is a regular text file, so you can edit it with regular tools like sed, grep or your prefered interactive editor. Here are a few examples to inspire you: Keep only monthly data: $ cat downloads_all | grep -B1 -A1 --no-group-separator \ -E '^output = ".*/monthly/[A-Z0-9]{7}.xml"$' > downloads_monthly Remove all downloads before (restart interrupted download): $ sed -n '/https:\/\/\/climate_data\/bulk_data_e.html?format=xml&timeframe=3&stationID=2606/,$p' \ downloads_all > download_continue 1.3 Download wanted files Give your own list of downloads to curl. You can add the parameters you need. $ curl --fail-early --create-dirs -K download_all 2 Fix the files Be aware the files you've downloaded is buggy. Yes, all of them, they're distributed as it by ECCC. But wait, there is a simple fix. The clean way to perform the fix is to use the following script: $ ./ "${ECCC_CACHE}" "${ECCC_CACHE}-fixed" However, if you don't want to keep the original files, you can just do: $ find "${ECCC_CACHE}" -type f -name '*.xml' -exec sed -i -e \ 's/xsd:schemaLocation/xsi:schemaLocation/;s/xmlns:xsd="http:\/\/\/TR\/xmlschema-1\/"/xmlns:xsi="http:\/\/\/2001\/XMLSchema-instance"/' {} + From now on, the guide expects "${ECCC_CACHE}" to point the directory with fixed files only. 3. Validate the cache It's important you make the effort to validate the files before processing them. Every transformation makes assumptions on data structure/content that can only be asserted by using proper validation schemes. Bypassing this step may lead to not working transformations or invalid final data. This step is split in two: first we have to check the data is valid from an ECCC point of view and then we check it's valid through Wikimedian eyes. 3.1 Validate the data according to ECCC standards However, the XML schema distributed by ECCC is incorrect. It won't validate any XML coming from them. A fixed version can be found on Wikimedia Canada Git repositories. $ git clone $ find "${ECCC_CACHE}" -type f -name '*.xml' -exec xmlstarlet val -b \ -s eccc_schema/bulkschema.xsd {} \; The second command will list all incorrect files. If output is empty, you can continue. 3.2 Validate the data according to Wikimedia standards $ find "${ECCC_CACHE}" -type f -name '*.xml' -exec xmlstarlet val -b \ -s commons_rules.xsd {} \; Same as previously, the output should be empty. Otherwise, you must resolve every single problem before continuing. [OPTIONAL STEP] Merge multiple XML files Sometimes, having per station granularity is too accurate. If you need to merge two or more XML files, you can use the script: $ ./ "${ECCC_CACHE}/almanac/3050519.xml" \ "${ECCC_CACHE}/almanac/3050520.xml" "${ECCC_CACHE}/almanac/3050521.xml" \ "${ECCC_CACHE}/almanac/3050522.xml" "${ECCC_CACHE}/almanac/3050526.xml" \ > banff.xml In order to get stations ids based on their geographical position, you can use the eccc_map tool. A public instance is hosted online at . 4. Transform data into target format Here we are, here is the fun part: let's create weather data in Wikimedia Commons format. $ ./ "${ECCC_CACHE}" "${COMMONS_CACHE}" 2>log It will replicate the future Commons content paths inside nested directories. So, for example future resource will be created in ${COMMONS_CACHE}/ A sum up log file is created for further reference on what has been done during conversion. 5. Upload to destination It's now time to share our work with the world and that's the purpose of the script. $ ./ "${COMMONS_CACHE}" It takes the commons cache as parameter: its file hierarchy will be replicated on commons. On first run, it will ask credentials for the Mediawiki account to use to perform the import.