historical data prior of its import into Wikidata.
All tests done in ECCC's bulkschema.xsd aren't replicated here as we're
- focusing into pure Wikimedia Commons data quality -->
+ focusing into pure Wikimedia Commons data quality.
+ Schema is restrictive on purpose: up to date extreme values are hard coded
+ just like current year. It WILL break starting 2021 so we can make sure
+ someone has checked potential upstream structure change before running
+ Commons data update. -->
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<!-- Define elements -->
<xsd:element name="climatedata">
elif [ ${STATIONDATA_COUNT} -eq 0 ]&& \
[ ${AL_MONTH_COUNT} -gt 0 ]
- echo "${REPLY}: Almanac data not compatible yet. Ignoring." >&2
- continue
+ STYLESHEET_PATH='almanac_to_commons.xslt'
echo "${REPLY}: Cannot detect file type. Exiting."
echo "Processing ${REPLY} to ${DESTINATION_PATH}…" >&2
mkdir -p "$(dirname "${DESTINATION_PATH}")"
- xmlstarlet tr "${STYLESHEET_PATH}" "${REPLY}" > "${DESTINATION_PATH}"
+ xmlstarlet tr "${STYLESHEET_PATH}" "${REPLY}" | jq > "${DESTINATION_PATH}"
done 9< <( find "${SOURCE}" -type f -name '*.xml' -print0 )